about me

Although I call myself self-taught, I have and had some fantastic teachers.
I started with Arthur Stam studying oil painting at the Vrije Academie Voorschoten NL.
After this I was educated in Bergen NL for years in stone sculpture by Hans van Bellen and Alice Musarara.
Leo Musch then trained me for 5 summers during sculpture weeks in Beauregard South of France.
My last 4-year training was painting, this time with acrylics, at the Vrije Academie Haarlem. My good friend Ruud Zweypfenning guided me for 15 years in making bronze objects. And my husband Dennis Moet is my teacher in 'looking' as a photographer.

Because that's what it all starts with, of course: looking closely!


Over the past 40 years I have been able to show my work in galleries, during open studio days and in the museum Hoogeveen NL. As a member of the artists' association De Waag, Haarlem NL, I organized an exchange with twinning towns Osnabruck DE and Anger FR. My work participated in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Scotland.

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